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Insurance & Pension

Protect yourself, your family, your company and your employees

Being self-employed or a company manager means exposing yourself to certain risks. An accident, illness or other life threatening event can jeopardise your business and your revenues. We offer a range of protection and insurance schemes to protect your employees and you against the hazards involved in running a business.

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Securex schemes for protection and insurance offer you the following:

  • More peace of mind when preparing for your old age
  • Greater security through revenue protection
  • Greater support in employee protection

Protect yourself and your family

Protect yourself against business hazards and uncertainties. Securex ensures the continuity of your income in case you suffer an accident or illness, and offers tailor-made solutions for self-employed persons. We not only help you prepare for your retirement, but also secure the future of your family in case of your unexpected death.

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Protect your business

You are the backbone of your business. What happens if you have an accident? Securex will guarantee a part of your revenues, thereby enabling your company to cover its expenses. We also offer you protection for legal disputes and tax audits by covering your litigation expenses.

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Protect your employees

Securex protects and insures the employees of your company. We offer them coverage against work-related accidents or accidents in their private lives through compulsory or complementary insurance. We also assure them of an attractive complementary pension through our group insurance.

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INAMI intervention: The social status of (para)medical professions

Are you a logopedist, a physiotherapist, a pharmacist, a nurse, a dentist or a registered doctor? 

Good news: you can receive a bonus from the INAMI (Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité) through your INAMI social status. The amount and conditions of this annual intervention of the INAMI are determined each year by this institution.

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Victim of a work-related accident? Monitor everything online

Have you been the victim of a work-related accident or an accident on the way to and from work? Use our online tool to follow up your accident.

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Being self-employed as a secondary occupation, do you want to become self-employed as your main occupation?