Ready to start your own business? Looking for some information first? Whatever you're looking for, here you will find everything you need to easily start your own business.
- Step-by-step plan for getting started
- Company number
- Social insurance fund
- Starting a secondary occupation
- Business plan
- Financial plan
- Start-up conditions
- Start-up capital

What company forms are there? Is it better to opt for a sole proprietorship or rather a company? Here you will find the answers you are looking for.
- Sole proprietorship or company
- Setting up a limited company
- Setting up a sole proprietorship
- Main or secondary occupation

If you want to start your own business, a thorough knowledge of taxes and VAT is indispensable. Here you will find out all about taxes, VAT and exemptions.
Everything about VAT and your business
Becoming self-employed involves going through the relevant paperwork. Social security contributions, choosing your accountant, taking out insurance... You can read all about it here.
- Drawing up a financial plan
- Calculate start-up capital
- Social security contributions
- Choosing your bookkeeping & accountant
- Insurances for starters
- Accruing a pension as a self-employed person

As an entrepreneur, all profits are yours, but so are all risks. It's wise to prepare for leaner times in more plentiful ones. Find out here how to do that.
- Protecting your business
- Protecting yourself and your family
- Replacement income
- Save for later
- Pension agreement for the self-employed (CPTI)

Why do you need a business counter? How do you choose the right one? Find out here how your business counter supports you and why you need the CBE.
- Choosing your business counter
- Convenience of an online business counter
- What is the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises?

Are you ready to start as a freelancer and would you like some support? Then find out here if freelancing suits you and how to get started.
- Checklist ‘Is freelancing for me?’
- Most asked questions about freelancing
- Free e-book ‘Become a freelancer’
- Personal videochat