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Which professionals can help me hire faster?

Recruitment can take time, a rare commodity that you may not have. Fortunately, various types of professionals can guide you in your choices and make the process easier

Posted on 1 April 2020
Consult our case 'Hiring your first employee'

At the moment, hiring your first employee costs less. In fact, you will benefit from a lifetime exemption from all NSSO employer contributions. But time is running out, the provision ends on 31 December 2021. Recruitment may take time, especially if you are not used to the job.

So why not get some help? After all, even big companies do it to find talent. Of course, your needs won't require a headhunter - and you probably can't afford one - but other professionals may prove  very helpful.

Points of contact for doing the groundwork

Many self-employed people are reluctant to hire, being frightened off by the cost of recruiting. But there are all sorts of allowances specific to recruitment, both at the federal and the regional level. You find  allowances aimed at certain target groups, such as aid for first-time recruitment, as well as sectoral allowances.

It can be a heavy-going offer, and sometimes a little complicated to grasp. So, in Brussels, the 1819 website will help you to sort through the options online, as well as by telephone, or even by appointment. 1890 serves the same function in Wallonia, while in Flanders entrepreneurs are invited to consult the VLAIO website or call 0800 20 555.

Don't underestimate the power of your network

Are you looking for that rare pearl? You don't necessarily have to look very far. Trainees, apprentices, former employees - people working in your sector will surely know others whose profile might meet your expectations. So start canvassing your contacts, nothing beats a good recommendation.

People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend.
Mark Zuckerberg

The usual channels for finding candidates

Once your own network is exhausted, expand your circle. Even though many trades are in short supply, job seekers and even some of those already working are always on the lookout for a nice job opportunity. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from employment agencies, such as Actiris in Brussels, Forem in Wallonia or the VDAB in Flanders. Or you can consult the ads published on specialist sites. This will put you in contact with employees who match your criteria.

Another thing - if you are not looking for an experienced employee and prefer to rely on in-house training, you should also consider getting in touch with colleges and training centres. They will no doubt be able to advise you on one of their recent graduates or qualified workers.

Your social secretariat - the all-inclusive answer

Still finding the task difficult to get to grips with? Then consider joining a social secretariat. 9 out of 10 entrepreneurs have made this choice to benefit from the many services available, including recruitment assistance.

Calculating wage costs, meeting your legal obligations, defining the wage package, drawing up the employment contract - your personal advisor will guide you through the whole process. The main advantage is their in-depth knowledge of your case and your company, which makes them the people best equipped to meet your needs - now and in the future...

Calculate the wage costs of your employee

Estimate quickly the wage costs of your first employee