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Alternative remuneration & extra-legal benefits: More Motivation, Lower Costs

Reducing wage costs while rewarding employees

Alternative remuneration can reduce your payroll costs, while providing an attractive incentive for your staff. There are many tax-efficient options that offer a better net salary at the end of the month. In this way, you position yourself as a good employer, and help your company. A win-win situation.

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What is alternative remuneration?

Alternative compensation is a collective term for additions to your employees' normal salaries as bonuses, rewards or incentives. Unlike a gross salary increase, your employees get more flexibility with alternative benefits and you pay less to give them something extra.

Some examples of alternative remuneration:

  • Warrants
  • Bonusplan
  • Investeren in research & development

Benefits of alternative compensation

  • It costs the employer less: Payroll costs are often lower with alternative remuneration than with a conventional pay rise.
  • Your employees keep more of their salary: You create a higher net worth for your employees, and as an employer, you pay less (or no) contributions.
  • It's fiscally attractive: Certain fringe benefits can help you make additional savings.
  • It motivates staff: In some cases, alternative remuneration allows workers to choose for themselves what they find important, or what they need. With well thought-out compensation, you create a more productive work environment
  • Employer's reputation is strengthened: For workers, it is increasingly important to be able to negotiate their salary package. Alternative remuneration options can be presented as employer branding assets.

The Bonus plan

Wil je je  medewerkers belonen voor hun inspanningen en meteen ook collectief stimuleren om resultaten te behalen? Met het bonusplan of de niet-recurrente loonbonus (cao 90) koppel je een mooie toeslag aan een interessant gezamenlijk doel.

Het grote voordeel: die toeslag kost je 33% minder dan een traditionele loonbonus.

Ontdek alles over het bonusplan

Do you want to reward your employees for their efforts and at the same time encourage them collectively to achieve results? With the bonus plan or non-recurring wage bonus (CAO 90) you link a nice bonus to an interesting collective goal.

The big advantage: this bonus costs you 33% less than a traditional wage bonus.

Discover all about the bonus plan

The cafetaria plan

With a cafeteria plan you can offer your employees a flexible salary package without affecting your budget. It's a win-win situation: it helps your company retain its employees and gives your employees personal choice in the matter of non-statutory benefits.

Discover all about the cafeteria plan

Partial retention tax exemption on research and development

To stay ahead of the competition your company invests in research and development (R&D). Because standing still is the fastest way to move backwards. But did you know that some innovation projects qualify for partial exemption from retention tax? Benefit from this advantage thanks to the Screening R&D!

Discover all about R&D

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